Sunday, May 24, 2009

Staying Positive

I would like to take this time to thank President Bush and President Obama for some of their more important policies. I know in the long run we will be better for them. So I thank you President Bush for you free-market destroying bailout programs. I thank you for your ill-conceived prescription drug program. I thank you for yet another huge government bureaucracy namely Homeland Security. While I will give you huge credit for keeping us safe and freeing people around the world, here at home you have presided over a huge growth of the federal government and hampered individual freedom.
I thank you President Obama for coming into office and so quickly turning the United States even more away from free-market principles and into a socialist country where the federal government is actually running what was at one time private companies. I thank you for your American hating and terrorist friends and your desire to make even more American hating friends. I thank you for being a propaganda piece for that brutal dictator communist Hugo Chavez. I thank you two presidents sincerely, for it is from you and politicians like you that We the People are starting too wake up. People are becoming involved, educating themselves and gaining enough knowledge to realize that the democrats and republicans are taking us to the same exact place. You have both made us fight amongst each other while at the same time both of these parties were busy moving us away from the individual rights laid out in the Constitution toward a bigger, more centralized federal government that they hope will, one day soon, end in total government rule and tyranny. Politicians beware we are involved now, we are waking up, we are fed up.

"It is from our enemies that we ofter gain excellent maxims, and are frequently surprised into Reason by their mistakes."
-Thomas Paine

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