I am sure that the above picture looks very familiar to just about everyone in the United States these days. This is our view of the world today and is based on political parties. On the left side we have the Democrats and on the right we have the Republicans. We have been led to believe through the years that these two groups are totally opposite of one another; the Democrats on the left are supposedly the home of today's liberals, socialist, communist, and of course the democratic party of the United States. The Republicans on the right are supposedly the home of conservatives, capitalist, fascist, and of course the republican party of the United States. None of this is quite accurate. Now if you are a republican you do not agree with the democrats view of the world and vice-verse. I want to tell you in this post that this is not the way it supposed to be here in America. Let me show what the Founding Fathers view of the World was, and how they wanted to set up our system of government.

You see above that the Founding Father's view of the world was Tyranny or total government on the left and Anarchy or no government on the right. This view is based on political power not political parties. Let us remember that people first came to this country, settled here, and created colonies to escape persecution from religion and government, which was in control of religion then anyway. Our Founding Fathers were no different, they had no love for government I assure you. George Washington said: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." Thomas Jefferson said: "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." The Founders wanted to have a system of government where the people had the power as much as possible. They did not want a strong central government. As stated above they had no use for government but they knew anarchy was not a long lasting system either and would eventually turn into tyranny. Therefore the Founders first system of government was called the Articles of Confederation. This did not last too long because it ended up too close to anarchy on the political power scale. So they wrote the Constitution and this moved the political power to the left giving the federal government just enough power to hold things together. Yet most of the power was still left to the people and to the states. Now let me tie everything together with this next picture.

This shows us the big picture and the way things really are. Here we have the political power scale running from anarchy to tyranny with our Constitution slightly right of center. The political party scale is running up and down on the bigger scale. Here we find the democrats and the republicans both of which are run by progressives. Who are the progressives? For this post I will keep it short, just think of today's liberals, bigger government types and yes they are republicans and democrats. This is by design. While the democrats and the republicans have us fighting amongst ourselves they are both sliding down the scale towards more government and eventually tyranny, total government. Let me give you that quote from Thomas Jefferson again: "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."
Does any of this sound like what the Founding Fathers wanted for this country? Federal government in control of the financial sector (banks). Federal government in control of the auto industry (Chrysler and GM). Free government run health care. Etc. etc. Sounds like bigger government to me, more government. Isn't it obvious where we are headed. Read your history books, this is not the first time it has happened. We the people are being played and while we fight against one another and try to find our identities in an R or a D, the big Republican party or the big Democrat party we are getting dangerously close to losing our country if we haven't already.
Right on, Right on, Right on