Well the wish list poll is now over and the results are as follows:
1.) Let Capitalism work, no more bailouts
2.) Term Limits for Congress
3.) Drill Here, Drill Now, Get our own oil
4.) End the Federal Reserve
Now lets try to do something about this. I welcome and plead for all comments on how We the People can accomplish all, one, or any number of the above. For instance to end the Federal Reserve call, e-mail, and/or write your congressman and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 833 Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Also tell them to co-sponsor or get behind H.R. 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009. Do not let these people off the hook our representatives suppose to represent us, let them know what you want. Let me know how they react to you telling them you want term-limits though. Lets see how that works out for us. But it can be done.
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