Friday, May 22, 2009

Marco Rubio For U.S. Senate

Well the people of Florida will soon be voting for a new senator when Senator Martinez leaves his office. See ya Mel. Running for that senate spot on the republican side is Florida's current governor Charlie Crist and former Florida Speaker of the House Marco Rubio. Watch the video above on Marco Rubio (others will be posted under my video links) and tell me what you think. This guy sounds great to me. I actually got goosebumps (no not a thrill running up my leg, but goosebumps), I tend to do that when I hear someone that loves his country. I tried to find a comparable video of Governor Christ but the only thing you can find of him is political ramblings where he is not saying anything really, just like every other career politician. Lets not forget that Crist emerged as the leading Republican voice in favor of President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus plan. Crist is also in league with the extreme environmentalist movement right along side California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (and we all know he is doing such a wonderful job). Along with hosting a summit meeting on global warming, Crist capped greenhouse gas pollution and ordered state agencies to reduce emissions through tighter auto efficiency standards in 2007. Crist also took on the state’s insurance industry by making state government a larger player in the market and undercutting private insurers.
Like I said in an earlier post Crist is nothing but an opportunist and another Arlen Specter. Lets run him out of here on the progressive train he is running on. Vote Rubio for Senate.


  1. If you are not Marco's friend on Facebook, I suggest you become one. He posts there frequently.

    If you read his "100 Ideas: book, though, most of his ideas are based on bigger, more intrusive government. There are a few of us Liberty lovers on there who are trying to educate him as to the Constitution and limited government; hopefully he will be persuaded on Reagan's maxim that government is not the solution; it is the problem.

  2. Thanks I will be sure to join him on Facebook and check out his 100 Ideas book.
