Monday, August 3, 2009

Cash For Clunkers Rant

First off let me apologize for the weeks with no post. I was on vacation for one of those weeks and. . . well hey, it's summer in Florida, what can I say. Now on to the meat.

This bill, above all others this year, has put the spotlight on exactly what the problem is here in the United States of America. I know several "conservative" people who have either already traded their car in with this cash for clunkers deal, or are seriously thinking about doing it (if the money keeps coming in, which it doesn't look like it will, he he). I have listened to people bitch and moan about our President saying he is ruining the country, turning us into a socialist country, etc. etc. I happen to agree with most of what they are saying also. What I do not understand is how can someone complain about our country turning socialist on the one hand and then take advantage of this cash for clunkers program.

You want to know how they can, I will tell you. They will say things like, "well the government is sticking it to me so I will stick it back to them and take that money." Or something like: "I have been paying into social security and I won't see a dime of it so why not take the money." You people get the idea I am sure. So why is it that these "conservatives" are so willing to embrace another one of Obama's socialist programs? The answer: They can take advantage of it. It gives them something, it "helps" them out.

I have been working on some things since I have been off, positive things, but this puts a bigger damper on the whole work. I knew people that took advantage of the system were everywhere in the United States, but people I thought shared the same dream for America as I did? It almost hurts me. Nothing will ever change in America until attitudes like this change, at least from the people who know better. These people think that they are sticking it to their government, who has raped them for so long, but they are not. They are part of the problem. They are not hurting the government, they are throwing fuel on the fire of socialism that has swept through this great country.

They are helping grow government, not helping get it back under control. Wake up people, there is a HUGE difference between your government and your country. Which one do you really want to preserve? Do you want to preserve the "radical" movement of freedom. Freedom is like a grain of sand on the beach of time. Look through your history and compare those who have had freedom and those who have been ruled over by a King, Prince, Dictator, etc. Are we really so eager to throw our freedoms away because our government wants to put our country more in ruin by chaining posterity with more and more debt? Do people really want to hand over their freedom so Uncle Sam can take care of them? I know a lot do and it makes me afraid for our country. I know times are tough, I know so people "need" a car but socialism is never the answer.

Look at where it has taken us the last one-hundred years. A bankrupt social security system, a bankrupt health care system, and it looks like poverty still exist, I guess all of the money spent on "The War on Poverty" and the Great Society didn't help out much did it. No!!! It never does, it creates more government that is all. Seriously these so-called conservatives really need to sit down by themselves and think about what they want The United States of America to look like in fifty years. This selfishness has got to stop. Lets preserve freedom for our future generations. And to all of you out there that took advantage of the cash for clunkers program, and helped put our beloved country further in debt SHAME ON YOU!


  1. this is a disaster and another 2 billion will be voted on today to take from the grandkids by the senate... if you care about the environment you should have been against this bill! if you care about freedom you should have been against this bill... its one thing to get a rebate from the car CO's, but another thing to get a rebate from the man

  2. Great blog! A couple more you might enjoy:

  3. Thank you all for commenting. And, yes I will definetly check out those other blogs, thank you.
